Customer Friendly Notices
Most of the fear clients experience when considering using the “Preliminary Notice Process” is that they will offend their client. This fear has some merit if the Preliminary Notice is…
Most of the fear clients experience when considering using the “Preliminary Notice Process” is that they will offend their client. This fear has some merit if the Preliminary Notice is…
If you want to use the LAWS that are created to protect your lien rights, you must adhere to some very basic principles. When talking about the laws and wanting…
A few states have implemented, or are in process of implementing, a State Registry for Mechanics or Construction Lien Related Notices. Utah now has the SCR (State Construction Registry), North Carolina…
Many of those searching for the best way to protect their lien rights often ask: Where do I begin? The absolute best answer to this question is: At the CRM…
Protecting your rights to claim a mechanics lien in Texas can get a little dicey. Unlike many states which require a preliminary notice or notice to owner to be served…
Once we receive your request for a new preliminary notice we start by verifying the critical information. This may include a phone call to the General Contractor to confirm that…
Jim Wakefield, a seasoned mechanics lien law attorney, at Cummins & White LLP, has recently posted a "Reality Check" for those who may be overlooking the best collections tool for…
We have made some major improvements to our eSystems online document management program. Most significant is our online compatibility with the new Windows IE Browser. All Waivers and Releases are…
Mechanics Lien laws often become targets of the state legislature and a focus of legislative committees. As many of these laws have been on the books for decades, they quite…
Today’s business owners know and understand the struggle of getting paid for work done or services provided all too well. As economic uncertainty mounts, the importance of protecting your ability…